Apareceu no Yahoo do Japão à venda pela bagatela de 1 milhão e 800 mil ienes — na hora em que escrevo estas, o equivalente a 16 mil alt-rights ou 65 mil queirozes. Pouco sabemos sobre este ornitorrinco almiscarado, exceto que é baseado no processador 6800 da Motorola. Ou, mais exatamente, um clone da Fujitsu, o MB8861. Possivelmente usando o bus SS50 (sobre o qual ficamos sabendo graças a bwana Jecel Assumpção), concorrente do S-100 à época.
Se você está em dúvida entre quitar seu apartamento e comprar um micro de 8 bits raríssimo, este é o seu anúncio. É só arrumar uma transportadora ou ir buscar lá em Osaka, porque ele (mui compreensivelmente) não envia.
Geinducéu, tem até leitor de fitas de papel! E 10 fitas com software!
Descrição auto-traduzida para o inglês:
CPU manufacturer: Fujitsu Name: F-PDT8
Model No .: MB2901 C01B-2320-B001
ROM writer manufacturer: Fujitsu Name: F-PDT8 ROM Programmer
Model No .: PS10B-0118-0750
Typewriter Printer Tape Reader Tape Writer CRT Monitor Manufacturer: CASIO CASIO Product Name: TYPUTER Thai Computer Model Number: series2 MODEL-8
8-inch floppy disk drive unit manufacturer: Fujitsu Name: FLOPPY DISK UNIT
Serial number: MB27613 S13B-0500-B760
I connected all the units with cables, took power from a 100V outlet, and confirmed that when I turned on the power was turned on.
We have not confirmed the operation.
Please note that we can not guarantee the operation.
The following related parts are included.
5 books FACOM L-8A
F-PDT8 ROM PROGRAMMER Explanation manual (supplementary version)
Floppy disk operating system manual (FDOS-2)
Fujitsu 8-bit microprocessor MB8861 operation subroutine manual
SM06111-S010 Function subroutine source program list
SM06111-S020 Operation subroutine Source program list
SM06111-S030 Code conversion subroutine Source program list
10 volumes of paper tape
SM06111-S010 Function Subroutine
SM06111-S020 Operation subroutine
SM06111-S030 Code conversion subroutine
SM06111-A030 Self Assembler
SM06114-A020 Cross Assembler
SM06111-D020 BASIC
SM06111-E030 Program Editor
SM06111-E040 Screen Editor
SM06111-K011 PROM PRG
SM06111-M030 FD Service
For second-hand goods, there is a loss of parts, dirt, discoloration, small scratches, abrasions, rust, etc.
It is an exhibition with F-PDT8 and the above related parts set.
There are no other accessories.
All that is in the picture.
Because it can not be shipped by Takkyubin, the product will be delivered directly.
Only those who can come for pick-up or those who can arrange land transportation on their own are welcome.
If it is Osaka city, delivery is also possible by loading it on our own 1BOX car. (free)

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