Arquivo diários:14/05/2014

Retrohitz #102: MIDI: Police Quest 1

Este é o episódio 102 do Retrohitz.

Neste episódio, a trilha sonora, em MIDIs, de Police Quest 1, o primeiro da franquia de adventures policiais da Sierra On-Line.

Duração: 50 minutos

Lista de músicas:

  1. Sierra Fanfare
  2. Introduction
  3. The Briefing
  4. Patrolling Lytton
  5. Accident Scene
  6. Caffeine Carol’s
  7. Wino Willy’s
  8. Back On Patrol
  9. Sweet Cheek’s Marie Wilkans
  10. Tawnee (Speeding Ticket)
  11. The Blue Room
  12. The Story Of Kathy (Jack’s Daughter)
  13. Jack Cobb’s Birthday Party
  14. William J. Barnum (The Drunk Driver)
  15. Driving To Jail
  16. Stolen Mercedes
  17. Lytton Courthouse
  18. Berk’s Park Drug Deal
  19. Marie’s In Jail (Planning The Sting)
  20. The Hotel Delphoria
  21. Sonny And Marie
  22. Whitey And The Poker Game
  23. The Penthouse
  24. Shoot Out With Jessie Bains
  25. The Death Of Jessie Bains
  26. Closing Theme

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