Agradecimentos a Giovanni Nunes pela rapidez no gatilho.
10 COLOR 15,14,14:SCREEN 2:DIM X%(4),Y%(4):PI!=3.14159 15 FOR I%=0 TO 8:LINE(0,6+I%*20)-STEP(255,19),1+14*(I% AND 1),BF:NEXT I%:LINE(0,6)-STEP(99,99),1,BF 20 R%=45:GOSUB 65 25 LINE(X%(0),Y%(0))-(X%(2),Y%(2)),15 30 LINE-(X%(4),Y%(4)),15 35 LINE-(X%(1),Y%(1)),15 40 LINE-(X%(3),Y%(3)),15 45 LINE-(X%(0),Y%(0)),15 50 R%=35:GOSUB 65:PAINT(51,58),15 55 FOR I%=0 TO 4:PAINT(X%(I%),Y%(I%)),15:NEXT I% 60 GOTO 60 65 J%=0:FOR I!=0 to PI!*2 STEP PI!/2.5 70 X%(J%)=50+R%*SIN(I!):Y%(J%)=58-R%*COS(I!) 75 J%=J%+1:NEXT I!:RETURN