Arquivo diários:13/07/2011

Retrohitz #37 – Gromix Collection #4


Nesta edição, temos o quarto CD da coleção Gromix, do site Grospixels.
Duração: 52 min
Lista das músicas:

  1. Hinotori (Firebird)
  2. Jet Set Willy (Atari 8-bit – Ingame)
  3. Conker’s Bad Fur Day (Windy)
  4. The Legend Of Zelda (Kakariko Village)
  5. Hybris (Ingame)
  6. Megaman X (Spark Mandrill’s stage)
  7. Zool (Rock’n’Zool)
  8. Double Dragon Medley
  9. Secret Of Evermore (Credits)
  10. Paperboy
  11. U.N. Squadron (Level 1)
  12. Diggers (end credits)

Download: 41 Mb (ZIP).

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